March for Science - Boston Commons - 4/22/17 (Earth Day)
My husband and I traveled down to Boston Commons on the redline train to be part of the March for Science. For a Saturday the train was pretty packed and I would guess it was because of the march. When we got to the march the rain was drizzling and then it started to get heavier. People started to use their posters to shield them from the rain. Luckily we just needed to wait it out and it stopped after 10 mins. At the "March" for Science (it was just a rally and there wasn’t any marching down streets) there was a section for children to learn about science as people acted out plays on a stage. In another section of the park there was a stage where they had a band play and then leaders of the rally went on and gave pep talks. I didn't hear anything new really but gathered we were commiserating over the changes in the EPA, global warming, and alternative facts. I had the most fun checking out all of the posters so I went around taking pictures of them with my SLR camera. Here are a few: